The Design and Automated Robotic Construction of Tubular Steel Buildings

The ideas expressed here are for the commercial development of new high-tech software and hardware technology defining the way forward for the future of building construction. They concern the application of robot technology for the building construction/erection process of tubular steel buildings. It proposes the completion of software for this purpose, the development of the industrial robots, and then the construction of tubular steel buildings around the world (along with other potential construction applications of the technology).


Revcad Ltd, the developers of this technology, are now seeking partnership with appropriate industrial companies. First for the completion of the software which we have so far developed to the point of proof-of-concept. Secondly to create the robots (hardware) required for the building construction and then to apply this new technology to commercial projects to erect buildings in cities around the world.

If you believe your company is a candidate to become a business partner in this venture with us, we invite you to investigate the links below which include images and videos of the robots in action. If you wish to explore this further then we look forward to hearing from you. Please see our contact information.

Contents: Proposal for Technology Development


Copyright © Revcad Ltd 2016