OEM Resellers


OEM Affiliate Reselling of Revcad Software Products

Revcad’s products can enhance your CAD/CAM software and CAM machine marketing by becoming an OEM affiliate reseller – read on:

If you are a CAD/CAM or related company you have the opportunity to become an ‘OEM’ affiliate reseller of Revcad’s software products and earn an agreed percentage of revenue on every software sale (see below). OEM status means Revcad Software will provide you with a ‘branded’ version of the software that you can market and sell to your customers as your own product. Revcad invite you to apply to to become an OEM and on approval require you to pay an intial setup fee (currently fixed at 5000$ USD), then an annual license renewal fee (currently fixed at 1000$ USD).

Alternatively you can simply become an affiliate (i.e. non-OEM) reseller. In this case you will have the right to market the standard Revcad products (i.e. not branded) and earn an agreed percentage of software revenues. The terms are less favourable but still attractive and no setup or annual license fee payment is required for non-OEM affiliates.

License Agreement for OEM resellers of Revcad Software Products

  1. Revcad Software invites interested parties to apply to become an OEM affiliate reseller of our  products.
  2. The OEM reseller will receive a 30% discount on the ‘base retail price’ of the software and a 70% discount on all sales revenue generated above the base retail price (e.g. the base retail price of Sheet Lightning v 5 is 495$. The recommended and advertised retail price of the product is 1950$. A sale at 1800$ therefore give a return to the OEM of 495$x30% + 1305$x70% = 1062$ USD and a return of 738$ to Revcad Software
  3. OEM resellers are required to pay an initial setup fee of 5000$ followed by an annual license fee of 1000$ after the first year to maintain OEM status (to setup and maintain the OEM software).
  4. Any language translation files of Revcad Software products shall be the exclusive property of Revcad Software.
  5. Any OEMs that perform a language translation of Revcad’s software products agree to purchase a ‘Revcad translator license’ (10$ USD) and submit all language translation files created by them to Revcad Software.
  6. An OEM shall not distribute any language translation files of Revcad’s products directly to any customer or person. Distribution of the language files will only occur through the authorised distribution of software packages supplied to the OEM by Revcad.
  7. OEMs agree not to alter the packaging of any software supplied or owned by Revcad. All packaging of language files and other files shall be done exclusively by Revcad on behalf of the OEM reseller.
  8. Revcad agree to provide a ‘branded’ version of their product/s to the reseller. The branded version will include the logos of the reseller and any special packaging required, including any language files created by the reseller.
  9. Revcad reserve the right to refuse OEM status to any applicant, or to withdraw OEM status at any time.
  10. Revcad will confirm in writing the acceptance of an applicant as an OEM for Revcad’s software and the OEM must return the signed agreement acknowledging acceptance of these conditions.
  11. Revcad agree to provide the OEM with both a ‘Demonstration’ version and a ‘Full’ version of the agreed products for reselling.
  12. The OEM shall be free to distribute the demonstration copy of the branded software for the purposes of marketing.
  13. The OEM shall NOT provide the full version of the software to any company or person other than registered customers that have purchased the product via the affiliate purchasing mechanism provided by Revcad.
  14. Revcad will confirm in writing the rights of the OEM to distribute the demonstration software thus giving ‘express written consent’ according to the embedded software license agreement.
  15. All purchases of the OEM branded software shall be made via the web based affiliate purchasing mechanism supplied to the OEM by Revcad when they register with Revcad’s software vendor as a Revcad affiliate reseller. This mechanism will ensure direct payment of any revenues due to the OEM each month, directly from the software vendor (note: not directly from Revcad).
  16. In cases where the OEM wishes to sell products above the recommended retail price the OEM shall notify Revcad of the retail price of the OEM software and related services (i.e. training, support etc)  charged to their customers. The OEM will notify Revcad of any change in retail price prior to implementing the change.
  17. In cases where the OEM creates a translation of Revcad’s software for their market Revcad agree to abstain from general distribution of the language file for a period of 12 month from the first release, or for such period as agreed with the OEM reseller. Beyond this period the use of the language file by Revcad shall be entirely at the discretion of Revcad.
  18. Revcad will at all times respect the privacy of customer contact information of the OEM reseller.
  19. Revcad agree to provide OEMs with updates of the branded products with equal functionality to updates of Revcad’s standard (non-branded) products (note: upgrades may require an additional purchase by each customer.

To apply to become an OEM affiliate contact info@revcad.com

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